All three of my brothers (Josh, Devin and Kaelan) are athletes and love watching and playing sports; however, they are not just huge sports fans but true "students of the game." They never cease to amaze me when it comes to discussing players, their contracts and statistics and don't even get them going on draft picks and the top ranked high school basketball recruits in the nation! Last night, as I was ichating with my brother Josh, he asked me if I had heard of Kyrie Irving. I hadn't and he went on to explain something to me that I found incredibly interesting....
Kyrie Irving is a 17 year old point guard from New Jersey who is ranked in the Top 10 high school basketball recruits in the nation by three of the top recruiting sites (Scout, Rivals and ESPN Recruiting). What makes this kid so interesting is the fact that he has 2,396 followers on twitter and updates his "fans" and college coaches via his tweets. Many of his followers are students at Duke, Kentucky, Georgia Tech, Texas A&M and Seton Hall; the five universities Irving is most interesting in. These students send Irving encouraging messages trying to convince the young player to attend his/her university. Many college coaches are following him on twitter to see what he thinks about their universities. One of Irving's tweets said: "Duke official was great! I enjoyed every single second....everything there fits me and is right for me...you never know what will happen!"
The coolest thing is the fact that Duke students were prepared for his visit and were determined to make him feel welcome. Irving of course let his followers know in advance when he was coming, "Duke visit in 2 days...school tmrw but I gotta say I'm excited..." Duke Blogger is a website dedicated to updating fans on Duke basketball and once they saw that Irving was coming to Duke for an official recruiting trip they spread the word! They put out messages telling everyone at Duke to make Irving's visit one to remember and dedicated Duke fans listened. When Irving showed up on campus he was welcomed by a massive sign on the side of a dorm building listing all the previous Duke point guards that have led the basketball team to a national championship. Irving was very impressed to say the least.
It's crazy to see how social media can be used as one more tool for college coaches in recruiting. Crazy college basketball fans are also taking advantage of following top recruits on twitter and reading their favorite blog site; these fans can actually say they were a part of Kyrie Irving's recruiting trip and if he commits, they can take partial credit for bringing him to Duke!